Ran out of room above. They refused to take apart my corner table and broke the pegs when they moved it into new house. Then, argued with us over the damage! And, they bad-mouthed us in the truck!! Very unprofessional and not reflective of the sales/customer service end of your business. Note: The two Mike's were rude. There was a hispanic mover and a black mover (his first day) and they were both courteous. I had boxes labeled "S" for storage and "H" for house. They mixed a few up. Not a big deal. The foreman Mike argued with me over where I wanted my bed set up. He said it would hit the ceiling fan. (It didn't.) Foreman Mike made me sign a form about particle board (which was NOT in my sales packet). They didn't put my desk back together satisfactorily and said, "It's particle board, we're not responsible." They basically only cared about finishing and getting home--regardless of the condition of my things. I called Deb Barinka (customer service) immediately after move and told her my dissatisfaction. I feel at a minimum, I should be afforded a discount (none was offered when I called). I also feel that you should rethink using the Poughkeepsie movers for the Albany office as it's a bad reflection on the company. Note: I also took several car loads of items to my house (after the initial estimate) AND rented a Penske truck to bring my patio furniture and other loose items. So, they didn't even have to load everything they were supposed to have to load. Oh yeah, and they ope
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